ClaDS manual

The ClaDS module implements the Data Augmentation inference method for the ClaDS model, that allows estimating branch specific speciation rates on a reconstructed phylogeny.

Loading a tree

You can import a phylogeny to the environment using the load_tree function. Currently supported extensions include .tre and .nex.

my_tree = load_tree(tree_path)

Running ClaDS

The parameter inference is ran with the function infer_ClaDS

output = infer_ClaDS(my_tree)

The keyword argument print_state can be used to print the state of the run every print_state iteration.

output = infer_ClaDS(my_tree, print_state = 100)

You can save the result with

using JLD2
@save the_path_you_want_to_save_the_result output

and load it back to a julia session with

using JLD2
@load the_path_you_want_to_save_the_result output

Incomplete sampling

By default, the function considers that the clade was perfectly sampled, i.e. that all the species alive at present time are included in the phylogeny. If it is not the case, the sampling fraction can be specified through the keyword argument f. f can be a Float, in which case the sampling fraction is taken as homogeneous on the whole phylogeny.

output = infer_ClaDS(my_tree, f = 0.94)

Alternatively, different sampling fractions can be specified for different subclades. To do so, f should be passed as a Array{Float64} of length n, where n is the number of tip in the phylogeny. f[i] is the sampling fraction of the subclade that contains tip i. If the Tree object has tip labels (which can be accessed using tip_labels(my_tree), the sampling fractions in f are in the same order as the tip labels, and f[i] is the sampling fraction of the subclade that contains the tip with label tip_labels(my_tree)[i].

In the following example, the left subtree of my_tree is assigned the sampling fraction 0.3 and its right subtree the sampling fraction 0.8.

 create a vector of size n_tips(my_tree) where the first
 n_tips(my_tree.offsprings[1]) elements are equal to 0.3
 and the rest to 0.8
f = [ i < n_tips(my_tree.offsprings[1]) ? 0.3 : 0.8 for i in 1:n_tips(my_tree)]
output = infer_ClaDS(my_tree, f = f)


The result is a CladsOutput object, that contains the following fields:

  • tree: the Tree object on which the inference was performed.
  • chains: the resulting mcmc chains.
  • rtt_chains: the mcmc chains of the mean rate through time.
  • σ_map, α_map, ε_map, λ0_map: the MAP estimates of the model's parameters.
  • λi_map, λtip_map: the MAP estimates of the branch-specific and present rates.
  • time_points: Time points at which the number of lineages through time and rate through time are computed. The number of time points can be specified using the keyword argument ltt_steps.
  • DTT_mean: Estimate of the number of lineages through time.
  • RTT_map: Estimate of the mean rate through time.
  • enhanced_tree: Sample from the complete phylogeny distribution. Their number can be specified through the keyword argument n_trees.
  • gelm: Evaluation of the gelman statistics.

If the tree has tip labels, the tip rate for species sp_name can be extracted using the function tip_rate:

tip_rate(output, sp_name)

The result can be saved as a .Rdata object with the function save_ClaDS_in_R, so it can be manipulated in R.

Plot the branch specific rates

It can be plotted using the plot_CladsOutput function. By default, this function plots the reconstructed phylogeny painted with the inferred branch-specific speciation rates, but other methods are available.


Options for plotting the tree can be passed as a String to the options keyword argument. All the options of the R function plot.phylo from the ape package are available.

plot_CladsOutput(output, options = "type = 'fan'")
plot_CladsOutput(output, options = "lwd = 1, direction = 'leftwards'")

Diversity through time plot

Using the keyword argument method = "DTT", the function plots the estimate of the number of lineages through time.

plot_CladsOutput(output, method = "DTT")

On this plot, we have:

  • black line: the LTT plot (number of lineages through time in the reconstructed phylogeny)
  • thin blue lines: individual MCMC iterations
  • thick blue lines: the $95\%$ confidence interval
  • dotted green line: the point estimates

Mean rate through time plot

Using the keyword argument method = "RTT", the function plots the estimate of the mean speciation rate through time.

plot_CladsOutput(output, method = "RTT")

Similarly to the diversity through time plot, we have here:

  • thin blue lines: individual MCMC iterations
  • thick blue lines: the $95\%$ confidence interval
  • dotted green line: the point estimates

Marginal posterior densities

With the keyword argument method = "density", the functions plot the marginal posterior density of a given model parameter or a summary statistics. Similarly, method = "chain" allows plotting the mcmc chains for this parameter.

plot_CladsOutput(output, method = "density")
plot_CladsOutput(output, method = "chain")

What parameter to plot is specified through the keyword id_par, for both method = "density" and method = "chain".

plot_CladsOutput(output, method = "density", id_par = "sigma")
plot_CladsOutput(output, method = "density", id_par = "σ")

plot_CladsOutput(output, method = "density", id_par = "alpha")
plot_CladsOutput(output, method = "density", id_par = "epsilon")
plot_CladsOutput(output, method = "density", id_par = "lambda0")

The branch specific speciation rate of branch i is accessed with id_par = lambda_i or id_par = λ_i

plot_CladsOutput(output, method = "density", id_par = "lambda_5")
plot_CladsOutput(output, method = "density", id_par = "λ_2")

The tip rate of tip i is accessed with id_par = lambda_tip_i or id_par = λtip_i. Alternatively, if the tree has tip labels, the rate can be accessed using the species name with id_par = lambda_tip_spname.

plot_CladsOutput(output, method = "density", id_par = "lambdatip_2")
plot_CladsOutput(output, method = "density", id_par = "λtip_3")

sp_name = tip_labels(my_tree)[10]
id_par = "λtip_$(sp_name)"
plot_CladsOutput(output, method = "density", id_par = id_par)

Finaly, the rate through time and diversity through time can be accessed with id_par = rate_time and id_par = div_time, where time is an integer between 1and length(output.time_points).

plot_CladsOutput(output, method = "density", id_par = "rate_12")
plot_CladsOutput(output, method = "density", id_par = "div_33")